Monday, September 30, 2024

Indices closed UP .04% to .42%...NICE !!!

 Indices closed near high of the day.

S&P 500 @ 5762.48, high 5765.14, low 5703.53

Internals :

UP volume led by 1.04 to 1 in NYSE & 1.22 to 1 in Nasdaq

Advancing stocks led by 1.06 to 1 in NYSE & .95 to 1 in Nasdaq

Net new highs were leading by 376 in NYSE & 48 in Nasdaq

VIX Down 1.36% @ 16.73

Oil @ $68.17

Gold @ $2649.20

Canadian $ @ .6492



Indices staying in bullish mode.....

BLOG does NOT give buy or sell.


1 comment:

stocktrader_1996 said...

Hi Saleem,

Last week: +3.91% (YTD: -2.62%)
Portfolio Leaders: MSTR ZENV BMR
Portfolio Laggards: PSNL

I finally got a good week from the portfolio as MSTR soared and the overall market was only slightly higher. I remain in "wait and see" mode pending earnings, and surprisingly, despite all the talk of how small caps should be one of the primary beneficiaries of the Fed embarking on the rate cutting cycle finally, they are the only index yet to break out. It might only be a matter of time, but when the market is at all-time highs and the bearish sentiment is historically low, I think there exists the possibility of disappointment ahead. There is a two-pronged fear at this time: potential re-inflation from lower interest rates or potential economic weakening where the Fed was too late to respond. These are on opposite ends of the outcome spectrum, and there lies a very nice soft landing scenario in the middle. We might not know for some months how this turns out, but the market will likely start to sniff it out sooner than when the data becomes clear. I look for opportunities to trim my short position and pick up companies that are seeing a re-acceleration of growth in revenue/earnings.

Holdings: TZA(47%) MSTR(21%) ZENV FLYW BMR PSNL, cash 0%
