Sunday, October 13, 2024

US stock market in Auto- Pilot.....

 US stock market has come a long way in discounting " inflation / recession / high interest rates "

Discounting any issue is tough enough BUT to discount 3 issues was challenging...

Runaway inflation is being tamed now

Fear of recession is gone with job growth

FED finally has cut 50 basis and 2 more 25 to come in 2024....

SO...all 3 issues are on the mend....

That leaves US stock market & worldwide stock market in a " sweet spot "

This kind of investing environment comes after long digestive / discounting phase which erodes comfort level in stocks.....

BUT here we are finally on the road to " higher highs " in many sectors.....

This calls for " conviction & patience "

Have a diversified portfolio and let it breathe....for a long may have a pleasant surprise of growth in equity value over time.....

US markets changes its profile frequently....this one is much more predictable and " north bound "

IF we look @ new 52 week high list...It will lead you to some serious growth stocks......

Do not be stuck in old ideas.....time for new names in every portfolio....

Q4 has started, this IS the strongest Q for technology and many related Industries....which carries over in Q1 of 2025....

A1 has changed the game completely...It IS in very early stages....pick your stocks and stick with it.

Have a higher exposure of a strong bull market and keep adding as we are headed much much higher in many many sectors.....from Uranium to Silver to Crypto....

Good luck with your own research & comfort level....

BLOG does NOT give buy or sell.



Stocks100 said...

Hi Stocktrader,

Last week UP 8.11%

YTD UP 24.73%


Stock Rookie said...

Congrats on a stella week and to your YTD gains!

Stocks100 said...

Hi Stocktrader,

Bought GDXJ @ $49.32.....


Stocks100 said...

Hi Stock Rookie,

Thanks for your message, much appreciated!!!


stocktrader_1996 said...

Hi Saleem,

Great week and good luck with GDXJ!


Stocks100 said...

Hi Stocktrader,

Thanks for your compliment much appreciated!!!


stocktrader_1996 said...

Hi Saleem,

Last week: -2.15% (YTD: -5.51%)
Portfolio Leaders: none
Portfolio Laggards: PSNL BMR TZA

It was another disappointing week for the portfolio as neither the individual names nor the short hedge was working. An untimely sell of MSTR last week also hurt potential opportunity, but I realized the mistake and re-entered. I am close to selling the entire hedging positioning as small caps may be on the verge of a breakout, and if I lack individual names to buy, I may just go full TNA (triple long) to take advantage. The pattern has been a long time in setting up, it just remains to be seen whether the small companies have adjusted fully to the consumer and business environment to start accelerating profits again.

This is my worst underperforming year since I've been contributing to this blog, and possibly ever. My long term record stands tall when compared to market returns over time, but admittedly I have taken my eye off the ball this year and got away from my core strengths of individual stock picking. I hope that I find some new ideas during earnings season to reinvigorate my portfolio and passions once again.

Holdings: TZA(48%) MSTR(21%) FLYW ZENV BMR PSNL, cash 1%


Stocks100 said...

Hi Stocktrader,

Good luck with new ideas, YES you have outperformed consistently.....

Still 2.5 months left to do your usual $$$$$
