Sunday, October 6, 2024

US stock market in overdrive.....

 US stock market is in a happy place.....

Interest rates are falling worldwide....

China came out with aggressive stimulus...

AI boom enters stage 2....

Gold @ all time high...

Silver ready to make series of new highs....

Crypto in line for " record highs "

What not to like about this market & environment....

Tiny bit of skirmish continues in Middle East.....

Inflation numbers may jump here & there....

Job growth to accelerate as worldwide economic growth gather steam for Q4...

A portfolio with conviction is all it takes to make serious money going forward...

Not too often...we get such an investing environment.....

To take advantage....revisit your portfolio and do Fundamental & Technical analysis....IF all is not well...make changes ASAP.....

Good luck with your analysis !

BLOG does NOT give buy or sell.



Stocks100 said...

Hi Stocktrader,

Last week Down .47%

YTD UP 16.62%


stocktrader_1996 said...

Hi Saleem,

Last week: -0.83% (YTD: -3.44%)
Portfolio Leaders: TZA
Portfolio Laggards: ZENV BMR

In a choppy week for the markets, the portfolio was down slightly. Small caps continue to underperform, but other positions in the portfolio also fell. The strong labor report was a surprise to many, spiking yields higher (some of which we felt today). Earnings season is finally here, and I have some cash to deploy into growth names when they present themselves. The best winners in Q4 are often those stocks that have rested for a while and stage a new breakout - I'll be looking for those specifically. As for the large short hedge, I grow weary of it, but hold still while the $VIX remains very high (22+) even as we sit near all-time highs in the market. I don't know if that means stocks need to fall first or the $VIX will just settle back, but it's my positioning cue either way.

Holdings: TZA(48%) ZENV FLYW BMR PSNL, cash 21%
