Sunday, September 22, 2024

US stock market going forward.....

 US stock market has performed well in 2024 based on AI theme.....

Many AI based stocks have performed better than market averages....

Looking ahead to October & beyond to 2025.....a different approach may do better

YES some AI based stocks will continue to do well in 2025....BUT US stock market will broaden out to many new themes....

Silver , Crypto and many small caps may outperform in 2025.....

Thus It IS important to have exposure in many new themes as stated above.

A well diversified portfolio has better chance to beat market averages in 2025

Wall street goes through many changes based on interest rate coming down which US has FINALLY decided to lower 50 basis....that IS a game changer....

Strong technology stocks should be part of diversified portfolio.....

Going forward, conviction and patience will reward you well.

Good luck with your own homework & due diligence.

BLOG does NOT give buy or sell.



Stocks100 said...

Hi Stocktrader,

Last week UP 4.59%

YTD UP 14.88%


stocktrader_1996 said...

Hi Saleem,

Last week: -2.80% (YTD: -6.29%)
Portfolio Leaders: ZENV MSTR
Portfolio Laggards: FLYW TZA

The portfolio underperformed again due to the market hitting new highs and the large short position affecting returns. The Fed embarking on the rate cutting path invigorated the market even though long term rates actually rose due to profit taking after having priced the move already. I am still waiting to see the earnings picture from companies but it does feel like some of the uncertainty regarding the election and the economy has lessened so I am likely too overweight the short position at this time. I will still be patient and wait for a better opportunity to unwind some of it as we sit at all time highs on the same news over and over. I still think bitcoin and ancillary plays remain a great idea as interest rates around the world are falling and economies remain subdued.

Holdings: TZA(49%) MSTR(18%) ZENV FLYW PSNL BMR, cash 0%