Sunday, October 29, 2017

Key earnings continues this week.......

Nasdaq stole the show on Friday with stunning earnings from AMZN, GOOG,INTC & MSFT....

This market is an individual stock story both on the UP move and DOWN move

Participating in earnings is a very tough job, but when you have stunning earnings from so many high quality companies, you start to wonder IF participating in earnings is a desirable strategy....

Like it or not, we have many more earnings in coming they are which i am watching or involved in :

SHOP        Tuesday before open

FB             Wednesday after close

CTRP        Wednesday after close

TSLA        Wednesday after close

BABA       Thursday before open

OLED       Thursday after close

AAPL       Thursday after close

I am involved in 2 stocks CTRP & OLED.......

I may add 1 more earnings driven strategy

This has been an extremely challenging year for my strategy, in most cases earnings reaction has not been good, more like sharply lower......

BUT those failures does not deter me from being involved again.........

Wall Street reacts violently when everything seems to be in order......which is extremely discouraging.

Hopefully this weeks earnings will propel DOW, RUT to new all time highs.

Bull Bear ratio is getting very overbought, which only means slight pullback for a day or two, currently they are :

Bulls 62.3%

Bears 15.1%

Bulls @ top of the range and bears @ low end of range, means deeply overbought conditions exists.

RSI also in overbought range

Good luck with your own strategy and comfort level with this TAPE and earnings reactions.

BLOG does NOT give buy or sell.



explorer said...

Thank you Saleem for the market analysis and helping the readers of this blog. I was lucky last couple weeks with AMZN, MSFT, PYPL and CAT. I am holding onto AMZN call but I am planning to close it based on the moment tomorrow.

I would also like to thank Stocktrader for his ideas and sharing stock picks.

I am looking to play earnings next week for MA/SHOP/FB/TSLA (puts)/BABA & AAPL


Stocks100 said...

Hi Explorer,

Good luck with your option strategy for this week.

BLOG purpose is to share analysis every week, then readers can use that into their own mix of FA and TA.


stocktrader_1996 said...

Hi Explorer,

Thank you for the kind words! I don't always get it right, but I try to constantly evaluate current and search for new ideas. I hope we all close out the year well! :)


explorer said...

Thank you Saleem & Stocktrader. Booked profits in AMZN. Got SHOP DEC15 115 calls. MA calls aren't filled, most probably I may not get them as the stock went up so high.


explorer said...

My MA calls are filled too