Sunday, August 25, 2024

US stock market in Fed driven MOMO....

 US stock market seldom had so many stars lined UP...

Inflation coming down

Worldwide interest rates in a downward slope

World stock market in Hyper-BULL mode

Expect a series of new all time highs in most indices...

Even Japan apologized for being hasty in carry trade issue....

Politics in USA seems more interesting NOW...

How to play this super bull is.... EASY....

Stay the course....

Show conviction

Add more stocks on way UP

CRYPTO ready to rock like GOLD

Oil also coming out of ICU


What is NOT to like..

Get your aggressive bull hat ON ....&....


Good luck with your own thesis and comfort level.

BLOG does NOT give buy or sell.



stocktrader_1996 said...

Hi Saleem,

Sold ALAR @ 15.35 after disappointing guidance


stocktrader_1996 said...

Hi Saleem,

Added to MSTR @ 149.98 with the proceeds


Stocks100 said...

Hi Stocktrader,
Good luck with more MSTR...

Stocks100 said...

Hi Stocktrader,

Last week UP 4.71%

YTD UP 8.72%


stocktrader_1996 said...

Hi Saleem,

Last week: -3.56% (YTD: +0.32%)
Portfolio Leaders: MSTR ZENV
Portfolio Laggards: TZA ALAR

In another up week for the markets, the portfolio declined due to the major short small caps positioning. I had thought the economic data would be weaker ahead of the election and after years of overinflation and heavy spending, but so far that hasn't played out except for a one-month dip, and instead the inflation numbers have been tame enough that Powell is ready to ease. I will stick by my positioning for now as I think the risk to the upside isn't that great given all the "good news" already priced in, but I am regretful about how this has played out so far. Earnings season has not been kind to the portfolio positions either as multiple 20%+ drops post-earnings has eroded value on top of the overall market thesis errors. The fact that the portfolio is still flat on the year is minor comfort, but I have to be better from here.

Current Holdings: TZA(48%) MSTR(18%) ZENV FLYW PSNL BMR, cash 0%
