Friday, May 24, 2024

Indices closed UP .01% to 1.10%...NICE !!!

 Indices closed UP and made new highs again, negated completely yesterdays reversal.

S&P 500 @ 5304.72, high 5311.65, low 5278.39

RSI @ 63.41

Internals :

UP volume led by 2.42 to 1 in NYSE & 1.78 to 1 in Nasdaq

Advancing stocks led by 2.91 to 1 in NYSE & 1.85 to 1 in Nasdaq

Net new highs were leading by 120 in NYSE & lows by 23 in Nasdaq

VIX Down 6.58% @ 11.93

Oil @ $77.72

Gold @ $2334.50

Canadian $ @ .6329

Here is my portfolio weighting :

PLTR       26.96%

SHOP     21.05%

AMD      12.99%

INTC     12.51%

BTCC    12.22%

META   12.00%

SOUN    2.27%

Next post by 6 PM on Monday.

BLOG does NOT give buy or sell.

ENJOY long weekend!!!


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