Sunday, May 5, 2024

US stock market ...Rally is ON.....

 US stock market waited & waited for some relief on interest rate front....It was a wait worth waiting for....

Fed Chief & its voting member will have the reason to tinker down interest rate ....

Jobs growth is slowing down big time ....

IT people knew all about layoffs in most magnificent 7 and then some.....

AI is showing all industries how they can improve productivity...

Job losses will only accelerate going forward & Fed will be behind curve again very soon....expect more rate cuts .....3 in 2024

AI will get its " wow moment " when NVDA reports on May of breed & leader of the pack by 10 yards.....

Crypto should do well going forward.....

Earnings were as expected NO REAL WOW yet.....

AI companies should do well from Q3 and going forward.....thus strategic buying should be done before NVDA reports....

Energy & Gold is played out for the most part....going forward they may pace the averages....thus a market weight may be OK...

Technology leaders should do very well for next 2 years...stars are lined up nicely....

It is a buy good companies and show " conviction "

Good luck with your own analysis & comfort level..

BLOG does NOT give buy or sell.



Stocks100 said...

Hi Stocktrader,

Last week UP 1.35%

YTD loss 9.67%


stocktrader_1996 said...

Hi Saleem,

I compiled all the weekly numbers but have run out of time to fully post, so I'll do it when I get back from my afternoon activities.

It was a good day today! :)
