Sunday, June 23, 2024

US stock market going with less AI focus....

 US stock market has enjoyed AI bonanza in a big way by making series of new highs....

AI did give traders / investors new focus in this phenomenon....

Lot has been learned about AI & its many infestations....

AI has entered a new routine based phase as part of overall trading strategy...

AI did reach a " frenzied  " status where every AI stock shot UP..

After each frenzy comes a major digestive time....

We may have entered " digestive zone already "

NVDA for sure needs a basing period....

BUT AI fever may shift to other stocks like AAPL which has " huge potential of growth "

My guess IS AAPL may have better prospect going forward than many stocks due its " captive audience "

I can almost predict that AAPL has "opposite strategy than NVDA "

NVDA is hardware based while AAPL may have upper hand with " software optimization "

It will be interesting to see how AAPL VS NVDA battle emerges in terms of " gains going forward "

For the record RSI for NVDA is 63.99 vs RSI for AAPL is 61.68.....

US stock market needs to move on its own momentum going forward...

I expect less frenzied & less AI driven going forward....

Now may be a good time to go back to basic in Investing 101....

Many aspect of US stock market is " underinvested "

Money may rotate out of AI to other sectors which were left behind...

From next week forward, It will be Q2 reporting time.....

Good luck with your own take on which sector may do better going forward..

BLOG does NOT give buy or sell.



Stocks100 said...

Hi Stocktrader,

Last week Down 2.20%

YTD UP 11.52%


stocktrader_1996 said...

Hi Saleem,

Last week: -1.83% (YTD: +13.95%)
Portfolio Leaders: BMR CVNA
Portfolio Laggards: ALAR ZENV PSNL AI

In a week marked by volatility, the S&P moved slightly higher while the Nasdaq ended flat. The portfolio underperformed due to some individual losers as market liquidity wanes in the summer months. As I look across towards earnings season, I am comfortable with the companies I currently own, and mostly just sit tight here. As for the overall market, the topping pattern of the Nasdaq may not bode well for the next few weeks, but the overall bull trend remains and late-year strength seems likely.

