Monday, September 2, 2024

US stock market momentum getting stronger....

 US stock market has showed remarkable resiliency when mother of all earnings report did not excite wall street...

YES...NVDA earnings were " dubbed lackluster "

Wall street went on to close the week in an upbeat mode...

All indices are getting all set to keep making new all time highs

Playing Investment thesis is getting harder as broad based stock participation is taking hold

New sectors are showing more strength than famous 7 or 8 stocks, 

Going forward trend of overall market may be stronger as displayed by DOW & S&P 500 than Nasdaq

Nasdaq ruled for many years and it deserves to rest until it digest its gains

New 52 week high list is a good place to see new strong stocks or new sectors...

Wall street keeps changing its focus to new and best ideas, always a good idea to monitor what IS working....

2024 has been good for many traders but to end 2024 on high note needs new ideas

Good luck with your own thesis and comfort level.

BLOG does NOT give buy or sell.



Stocks100 said...

Hi Stocktrader,

Last week Down 4.88%

YTD UP 3.84%


Stocks100 said...

Hi Stocktrader,

Bought SHOP.TO @ $96.25
