Monday, June 17, 2024

Indices closed UP .49% to .95%...NICE !!!

 Indices closed UP near high of the day, another new all time highs for Nasdaq & S&P 500.

S&P 500 @ 5473.23, high 5488.50, low 5420.40

RSI @ 75.85

Internals :

UP volume led by 1.70 to 1 in NYSE & 1.74 to 1 in Nasdaq

Advancing stocks led by 1.44 to 1 in NYSE & 1.04 to 1 in Nasdaq

Net new highs were leading by 124 in NYSE & lows by 84 in Nasdaq

VIX UP .71% @ 12.75

Oil @ $80.33

Gold @ $2330.10

Canadian $ @ .6280

Internals were mostly positive which IS a CHANGE from last several days, need a confirmation of this positive change.

Portfolio....No position....

BLOG does NOT give buy or sell.



Stock Rookie said...

Hello Stocktrader!
Any news on why ALAR drop so much today? I've searching but came up empty 😒

Stocks100 said...

Hi Stocktrader,

Bought BTCC.TO @ $12.08


stocktrader_1996 said...

Hi Stock Rookie,

I believe it's because a competitor put out a new product that may directly address the niche that ALAR occupies right now.

It's hard to assess the impact currently but the move seems overdone because ALAR is the established player in the space.


Stocks100 said...

Hi Stocktrader,

Bought SHOP.TO @ $88.12


Stocks100 said...

Hi Stocktrader,

Bought CG.TO @ $9.33


stocktrader_1996 said...

Hi Saleem,

Good luck with toes back in the water! :)


Stock Rookie said...

Thank you Stocktrader for the information!🙏

Good luck with all the new picks $$$ Saleem :-)