The following stocks will show momentum when this correction is OVER.Please LIMIT your loss and have very HIGH comfort level with your STOCKS.
BLOG does NOT give buy or sell.
Good morning Saleem,
First I must make a general comment and that is my complete dissatisfaction with our Fed, Treasury and Exec. Branch. The last few years have been one big let down after another. You made a comment on War spending and I second the notion. We have citizens losing jobs, healthcare spiraling and plenty of answers to make our economy strong again, but no help/leadership. I believe in a strong National defense but only as a deterrent, not to start wars. We could cut our current defense spending in half from its current levels and still be ahead of the Clinton cutting years.
Now with regards to the markets, I would like to hear your opinion on the Dow 11,000 comments and the Cramer insurance thesis. Do you think that this could be a set up for a market crash or free fall? And if you see this potential threat, are you a hold on stocks like LDK or are you considering portfolio adjustments, based on these threats? I understand conviction in more normal market conditions, to avoid common tricks and head fakes by MM's but with a threat of moving the indexes years back, I just wonder what your thoughts are? Thanks for insight to your opinions/disciplines.
It would be hard to believe that Paulson, Bush, Bernanke, Pelosi, Reed, Rangel... and other power brokers have not or are not considering the possible ramifications of the bond insurance companies failing to payoff their losses. I do not think this will happen, as it would be catastrophic for all, including them! What they do need to do is articulate that they understand this and will do what is necessary to ensure the integrity of the financial system. Hopefully, they will do it soon and take some of the anxiety out of the market!
Yes Bruce,
One of the biggest problems is the feeling that all the leaders are out of touch with the pulse of the country IMO. I think that lower paying jobs replace better ones, health care costs for entrepreneurs almost prevent people to strike out on their own, the breeding ground for new jobs (small business) but our Admin. comes out and says everything is ok and we watch a continued downward spiral. I do believe in smart minds to find solutions for our problems. But fast action is what is required and here's why: until the rates come down, until corp. taxes are reduced, until healthcare is fixed, everyone sits on the sidelines, waiting for better % rates, better benefits to write off business expenses... and no spending keeps us in gridlock, making recession a self fulfilling prophecy. So making decisions and commitments to action now, not later, will only help. I will give you a personal example of a typical problem that is the middle of this mess. In the midwest, my Wife is attractive, in great shape, College educated, 20 years of IT experience as a Sr. Systems Engineer, She was caught up in a mass lay off of one of the largest employers in the City. Now She finds companies everywhere with freezes on hiring. They are all being cautious and holding spending tight to there chests. Well that has many fall outs. If we had action, rather than words, this could freeze up business spending, hiring, money to spend for citizens, increased revenues, back in the race. But while they take their sweet time to take action, Families are feeling the pinch big time. Some of these families are having to use their savings just to survive. That savings can represent 20 years of hard work, living within their means, keeping zero balances on credit cards, keeping low auto payments, and discipline to save, and not sub prime people... gone in 8 months on food, gas, clothing for growing kids,utility bills... things that will show nothing in the end for the sacrifice to save. I understand that people need to save for emergencies but the longer the Govt. drags this out, the more it becomes not just emergency money spent, but savings that were flagged for College or retirement. Inaction is what sucks the most. How's that for sharing? Im not opinionated or anything. LOL... This is good saturday morning coffee talk, basically. LOL...
By the way, it doesn't help if your savings are in investments that are losing value everyday, to begin with, with the GS of the world, borrowing my shares to short my stock, so they prosper while we get &*%%8. The reason that I bring this up is to stress the point that if we weren't wasting our defense dollars, we could afford to invest in the SEC, so they could do their jobs instead of sitting idly by, watching daily criminal activity.
One more point for my soapbox is that during the Clinton years, he tamed the IRS to not sick its own people and bite the people. Under Bush, he gave all the teeth back to the IRS, who spends their time picking on small business, who cant afford to fight back and are not organized, so they stand alone as easy targets to be bullied and intimidated. &*(# the IRS!!! In my "not so humble" opinion. LOL...
I know that I am over posting but thoughts keep coming to my mind. LOL. I want to make clear that I am not a Democrat, just Bush bashing... I have voted Republican many times i.e. Reagen. I have also voted independent i.e. Perot (embarrassing LOL). I consider myself an Independent. I just wanted to make clear that I am down on the "New Republicans", leaving their roots of spending control and empowering States,not Fed. Govt. IMNSHO. LOL...
I understand what your saying, as I have a one-man (me) consulting business and must pay for everything you mentioned. The costs of just my insurances (homeowner's, health, life, disability, auto and professional liability) alone are mind-boggling. We need leaders to HONESTLY address and then resolve the problems you mentioned.
I have contacted my chosen Presidential candidate, and will be meeting him (clue: its not Hillary Clinton)next Tuesday morning 1/22/08. In my humble opinion, the most important issue to resolve is ENERGY INDEPENDENCE. We need someone to HONESTLY and CLEARLY dicatate a plan...explaining the precarious position this Country is in. He needs to describe the resources we currently have; and those we could have at our diposal in the near and not so near future, and MOST importantly we need to know a timetable of how long it would take to integrate future technologies into the energy mix.
I know all the politicans are afraid to spell it out, as there are many powerful lobbies representing environmenalist, tourism, oil,nuclear, coal, auto.. that will viciously attack the candidate whose policies may "hurt" their interest, but I belive a candidate who is BOLD enough to tell it like it really is WIN the hearts of the American people and become the next PRESIDENT.
Ron Paul, Bruce? I think he is telling a lot of truth and all candidates treat him like a flake, because they all belong to the same club. Have you noticed that in debates, when Paul is speaking, you see the soured faces of other candidates instead of Paul, and when other candidates are speaking, the camera stays on them instead of others. It seems very suspicious. Ron Paul points are deeper tan 30 second responses and thats how they put the flake tag on them. But if debates were allowed to dig deeper, I think Paul would crush them. I do think Romney did a good job with Health care in his state. He also wants to make a MAJOR effort to energy independence. I liked his statement that we need to put emphasis on energy like we did with space race... in the 1960's.
Mitt Romney very articulate intelligent person who seems to have a grasp of the dire domestic and international threats facing this Country.
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