Monday, November 26, 2007

Time Horizon..changes everything !!!!

Thanks to feedback from my BLOG reader.......the following thoughts are given to further clarify my take on investing vs trading :

My BLOG purpose are twofold :

-A live demonstration of my trades ONLY......where can you get a total accountability of time frame and results of an individual...wether win or lose ?????

-@ the expense of my trading.....I am providing good insight into my decision making can use it as a learning tool of what NOT to do or something to THINK about...or you can treat my BLOG as a "total entertainment"...whatever suits your fancy......

I have repeated daily that I do not give buy or sell......

My opinion are of one individual out of tens of millions who trade daily and are vocal about their strategy/agenda on CNBC/FOX after day and month after month...and they are influencing an audience of several millions...... buying or selling for personal NOT affect the market trend...actually I try to follow trends with varying results...trends which are already in-place with my "gutsy trades"...or some will call it "foolish trades"......

I have several messages in my daily post......

-Find your own comfort level.
-Diversify & spread your money around in many me ..I cannot tell which stocks will move UP or DOWN ......
-Do your own due diligence.....
-Use stops in momentum stocks....
-Use conviction in your own decisions....
-CUT your loss QUICKLY...

For long term investors who have several year BLOG is just "noise...which should be ignored completely"

I do think however.....I do provide good ideas for your own time-horizon...... is upto you.....wether you Holde'm or Folde'm...Kenny Roger cannot be more clearer than that......You got to know...WHEN......

I alway's attempt new stimulate my brain.....sometimes it WORKS...sometimes it does NOT......

Please do NOT overemphasize my personal opinion about stocks & markets.......I am "nobody and should be taken as nobody"

I may be "articulating better than some experts on CNBC/FOX sometimes...but I DO FAIL more often as you all must have noted with varying degree of satisfaction......

It is a "better spectacle when one FAILS"......

So take me seriously or take me as an entertainment..... you make the-choice.......

I DO appreciate your visit to my BLOG......and for that I cannot thank you ENOUGH......

26,000 visitors in six months gives me LOT of encouragement.......& I do enjoy writing my personal take on trade/investment/market & psyche of markets........

Sincerely hope that it has been of some value...wether in knowledge or intellectual entertainment...I care for both !!!!

Good luck on "Cyber Monday".....



Patrick said...


I enjoy your posts. Please don't let the negative people, who criticize you without substance, bother you too much. They offer no solution to their argument which makes the conversation fruitless.

Anyhow, I was looking forward to your techinically strong and WEAK stocks. I hope you will share how you make those picks. I am mostly interested in the weak stocks.

Thanks Saleem!

Stocks100 said...

Hi Patrick,
Thanks for your support.CMED board has been very I do work very hard to give my thoughtful comments.

This Saturday...I will restart Technically strong, weak & momentum list.

I will incorporate the technical reason for all of them....but the list will be much smaller as the reason takes time.
